Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mama will hopefully, maybe be signing a contract soon...

I am not so sure if I mentioned it here, but this week coming up... I may have another book contract.

Actually I have one contract in my hands, I just have not signed it yet.

There's some to-and-froing between two publishers but I do believe I have made a decision. And I promise, y'all will be the first to know.

Or you all. Since I'm Canadian and really don't say y'all that much.

And let me just say POO on the Canadian/US exchange rate. Oh sure, I was all farts and giggles a few years ago when I started writing for US mags. But now I get only about 90% of what the check (or cheque) says. Grumblegrumblegrumble.

1 comment:

Carolyn Erickson said...

A book contract! Congrats, Heather, whichever one you choose and whatever 90% of the check comes out to, you're a success!

I'll let you borrow "ya'll" (I'm from the South). It's just handier and more convenient than YOU all.