Monday, March 17, 2008

What Makes Me Go Grrr..."Writers needed to make a few bucks"

I am part of some Yahoo groups that specialize in business and writing. Today, someone posted on one of the Yahoo groups that I am on, that she needed some writers who were looking to make a few bucks because her budget is real tight. The sad thing is I know some writers will answer that email.

Now, I will admit. I was like that when I began in the writing field, but that is because I didn't know any better, until I met some awesome writers who offered advice when I asked for some.

Writers are people too. They have bills to pay and things to purchase. We have dreams and goals. We want to run a business. By accepting a "few bucks" to write, it may become tougher for writers to make a living.


Carolyn Erickson said...

Good for you, Faten! Very important points.

RedWritingHood said...

That drives me batty too!