Monday, November 26, 2007

Power of the Press

I wanted to let the readers of this blog know about an issue regarding signing bonuses offered by the U.S. Army. The U.S. offers citizens willing to sign up to serve signing bonuses of several thousand dollars. Recently, the U.S. Army has also been asking soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan to pay back portions of that signing bonus since the soldiers were unable to fulfill their contracts.

Yes, my jaw dropped too.

I wanted to share this with the readers of this blog, however, because one soldier tipped off the media. Several articles later including in places like the L.A. Times, the U.S. Army is now calling this policy "an anomaly" that will be corrected. It is a great example of the power of the press!

I also talked about this issue in my own blog including some personal considerations I have struggled with because my husband is finding himself tempted by the increasing signing bonuses. My blog also includes links to the article with the original story and a follow-up article that offers assurances that this "anomaly" will be corrected.


Carolyn Erickson said...

Ugh. I hate that somewhere someone didn't stop and say, "Hey, wait a minute. This seems wrong."

Because you know a lot (I would say "most" because I'm an Army brat) of the guys in the Army are good, upstanding guys passionate about protecting our country and its citizens.

Sounds like a civilian decision, made by a person in Accounting somewhere. :(

Glad it got leaked and corrected!

RedWritingHood said...

Wow. That seems so very wrong.

I'm glad that it was leaked as well. That's the power of the press and the courage of the whistleblower.

Tiffany Todd said...

That is so incredibly wrong! Thanks for letting us know.